Since long time the wine is considered as an element of nutrition-based human.
In the 17 th and 18th centuries, water was considered as a bad drink in the richest circles, due to the transmission of lot of diseases in that periods, trapist beers and wine were drunk in the assumption there were no possibilities of contagious. Sydenhar, aims to that poor people, water drinkers, don't keep their health but thanks to an adaptation of his organism for the poor conditions. Buffon was also of this opinion: "pure water is not enough for workers to keep their forces. At any time man has sought in its power more than the vulgar satisfaction of a physical need. You searched for always ensure, thanks to the food, not only the simple fact of nourishing herself but a set of physical and psychic satisfactions, a way to combat fatigue and concerns and, at the same time, to feel a light and good excitation.
In addition to its hygienic and dietary virtues, wine, bond between the Earth and the spirit, is the single food that has responded, undoubtedly and ideally, to this desire inherent to the human race. Any other product emerged from the Earth occupies this site of honor; No product speaks more directly to our hearts, our tastes, our memories or our dreams, neither coffee nor tea.
ine, spiritual nourishment, whose history is inseparable from that of the man and of civilization, will undoubtedly keep a special place in our food.
These properties are countless, precious, irreplaceable. Before enumerating all this properties we need, however, set daily limits that have to be imposed on the consumption of wine. Indeed, to take advantage of its numerous virtues, there is no doubt that it is necessary not to exceed the daily limits, generally supported by the specialists in the field and confirmed by laboratory works. These are whole dice released by Professor Tremoliers in the last Congress on alcoholism. When it comes to adult subjects, in good health and whose food ration is sufficient and balanced "the body can normally oxidized to the maximum of a litre of wine for an adult man to three quarters of a litre for an adult woman. "Beyond these limits if a condition is not met (malnutrition, for example), alcohol is oxidized through toxic processes that justify its harmfulness".
When this daily dose is not surpassed and in addition is careful to divide it between the two main meals, wine can then play their role of tonic and beneficial food.
It is necessary to consider first of all that, as a general rule, the normal and healthy individual remains between these limits. Alcoholism, long time seen as a fateful passion, is considered increasingly in medical pathology, as a disease. It is shown that alcoholism is a "physical submission complicated with a mental obsession", particularly, and there is no reason to condemn the wine into an ostracism that does not deserve and give complex of alcoholism to people who use him wisely.
Classic and proven is the fact that the ravages of alcoholism are precisely recorded in regions that do not have the joy of cultivating the vineyard on its soil. This does not mean certainly that big wine drinkers are not exposed to the consequences produced by the abuse of alcoholic beverages.
The wine is certainly a drink, since contains almost 900 grams of water per litre, allowing you to say some kind pranksters that "every wine drinker is a drinker of water that is ignored in their internal jurisdiction as such"...But the richness of the elements comprising it make the wine, in reality, a true liquid food of incomparable virtues. We have to also confess that if modern and sophisticated analytical methods allow you to separate and measure the components of the wine, they do not reveal and perhaps never able to do so, the part of the miracle and mystery that gives the wine its value of symbolic and sacred food. Welfare, the euphoria that invades the body and soul when we tasted a good wine, cannot be translated in milligrams of this or that element.
Necessarily have of ducked with those who wanted to wine reveal itself, since the various elements that compose him vary from a wine to another, according to the land, the vineyard, the vintage, the age of the bottling, and, above all, according to the care he has received during his production.
Depends on two factors: grade alcoholic strength of wine and sugar it contains. Although we do not consider the wine rather than as a solution of alcohol in water (disdaining all the other elements that come into your composici0n) wine is already a food or, at least, a food of savings. In fact, alcohol ,as the work of Atwater have proved it in 1902, is used immediately by the body (contrary to what happens with sugars, fats and amino acids) and allows to economize, to some extent, other energy items. You cannot however secure more than the 50 % of the base of the body expenses, or 600 to 800 calories (Schaffer, Le Breton and Dontcheff work).
But 10 cl of alcohol per liter are unrelated to the same amount of alcohol if it were absorbed in its purest form. Wine is not more than a simple 10% ethyl alcohol solution.
The number of calories that provides the body a litre of wine varies from 600 to 1000 with an average of 600 to 700 for red wine. White liqueur wines (type Sauternes) is rich in sugar, are more calorie than dry white wines. Natural sweet wines and liqueur of wines, with sugar and alcohol, are the most caloric wines.
The vitamins
Wine brings to the organism all the vitamins contained in the grape, We found in our everyday wine.
Vitamin C act over the general tonus, physical shape, resistance to fatigue and cold. Thus the body of an athlete needs 2 0 3 times more vitamin C than an individual at rest.
Vitamin P (C2) vitamin C saving factor, which increases resistance and has a real effect on certain States of asthenia with hypotension. Lavollay and Sevestre attributed the toning action of the wine to its content in vitamin P.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) considered nutritive utilization. It intervenes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the proteins, vitamins A, Bl and PP and corticosurrenalianas hormones.
Vitamin B3 powerful stimulant of the functioning of cells. Andross has furthermore shown that productivity increases when it provides a significant amount of these vitamins to certain groups of workers or other persons who made large continuous physical efforts.
The human body cannot live without them. Sulphur, chlorine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, etc., are essential to our existence. However, the organism not cannot assimilate them rather than in form of organic salts, that is, combined with substances of the animal kingdom or the vegetable kingdom; He is unable to assimilate them, either under a simple shape, or form of mineral salts (aside some exceptions, such as, e.g. table salt). In wine mineral salts are built-in precisely under its assimilable form. The total deficiency of minerals in an individual is rare, but the relative lack of them is quite frequent and wine is therefore a source of these precious substances.
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