Even if only for the contribution of calories, vitamins, and minerals, that wine makes us particularly easy to assimilate and pleasant, we must consider it as one of our most precious elements of nutrition.
Wine AIDS digestion
Already San Pablo was convinced of this virtue. So said to Timothy: "stop already not drinking more than water. Take a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent discomfort". So far, thanks to its natural acidity, the wine increases the secretion of saliva. This is an excellent appetizer, that which puts the body in good condition to digest from the first drinks. But it is certainly the only appetizer valid natural and healthy, who does not risk, contrary to what makes other adulterated drinks.
The secretion of gastric juices is also excited and bolstered by the wine. This drink also contains analogous to our digestive juice diastases, which allows you to come to the aid of weary and weak stomachs. Its tannin is an exciting of the fibers of the digestive tract. Regular use of a good wine, acting as a stimulant of the intestinal secretions also helps in the fight against constipation.
But above all, it has been proven that wine powerfully facilitates the digestion of proteins (meat, fish, oysters, cheeses). It is, according to Genevois, the single drink that allows easy digestion of them thanks to its Ionic acidity and its weak osmotic pressure. Well, with the raising of the standard of living, the food ration of modern man is now singularly rich in noble proteins of animal origin, luxury that in other times was reserved for the upper classes. Wine, wonderfully allying with these proteins, performs primarily a perfect and greedy Alliance, before providing their digestion. Thus the gastronomic agreement of meats, fish, shellfish, crustaceans and cheeses with wine that suits them is not just an epicurean refinement, but also a wise measure of hygiene digestive, scientifically proven.
Wine is an antiseptic
The bactericide power of wine has been recognized since a long time ago. The Sumerians already used SALVES and ointments wine-based, and our ancestors served her instinctively to wash the wounds and disinfect the wounds. This bactericidal action of wine is due not only to alcohol-containing but also to their acids, its tannin, acid sufuroso and ethers.
It was found that a cubic centimeter of white wine, mixed with an equal amount of broth, killed 99% of the colibacilos and cholera and typhoid bacilli. Why you should not amaze us that distribute wine to the army when there were epidemics of dysentery, as reveals them the "Journal of Percy" (Prussian campaign in I807). "Dysentery makes progress. E1 army suffers from it, but weakly. It is distributed. He came to the troops because it is the best preservative".
Similarly, the culinary custom, which consists in accompany with a good white wine a tasting of oysters or seafood, constitutes a remarkable hygienic precaution. And we think, not without emotion, that absorption of water colored red, in our childhood (which hasn't done us a few alcoholics) was not as stupid as it may seem to the antialcoholics associations.
The wine has antitoxic propertiess
They become a proven therapeutic agent in the profilaxia of febrile and infectious diseases and in certain infections toxic, like the flu. Good wine hot and perfumed of other times, continues to be an outstanding influenza element although the medicaments range has been increased considerably. This toxic action has been also ascertained in the prevention of poisoning caused by certain alkaloids such as sparteine and strychnine.
Also, the pickled and cooking on wine of the bushmeat are revealed as a prudent prevention of food hygiene. It is true that the use of wine has been make softer the meat, but when it comes to a piece of hunting, the wine prevents the risk of a poison food.
The wine has anaphylactic properties
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