Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Responsible Drinking: Through Culture of Wine and Territory is a project financed by the European subprogramme Grundtvig.
CONTEXT:  The European Union is the leading producer and exporter of wine at worldwide level. This is why wine is one of the greater symbol of the life style, as well as a real metaphor that faithfully represents the wine and food culture of many countries of Europe.Despite the daily consumption of wine is a normal practice, the excessive and non-correct approach about the alcohol are strictly linked to some negative aspects that inevitably are echoes at social level (alcoholism, dependence, social problems). The education to a responsible and moderate consumption, that starts from a the knowledge of the product and territory generating it, is for sure the way to do trying to disseminate the culture of the “good wine” contemporarily developing the knowledge of the territory from which it comes from.

WHO IS INVOLVED: six European partners from five different countries
-         Cooperativa Cramars, Tolmezzo, Italy
-         Ada und Theodor Lessing Volkschule, Hannover, Germany
-         E- Lerning Concepts Rietsch Kg, Prottes , Austria
-         Centros De promocion Integral, Granada, Spain
-         Vedoma, Cersak, Slovenia
-         Fh Joanneum Gesellachaft, Graz, Austria

The concrete objective of the project is the promotion of the responsible drinking culture, starting from the exchange of knowledge and competences among the different countries and territories involved. To do it partners will actively interact organizing workshops which main subject will be not only the cultural aspects related to the wine (history, tradition) but also the territory as surplus value to better understand the real characteristics (work, quality) that is included into every bottle of wine.
Very important in the organization of the working moments will be the involvement of the local oenological producers that will illustrate the territorial peculiarities (of the vineyards and the single cru) and will highlight which are the typical procedures uses in the processing of the different blends, paying attention to the key features of the unique taste of every single product and territory.
The exchange moments among project partners have the aim to enhance the didactical contents that will be offered by the training courses from the organizations partner of the project with the finality to “educate” to the consciousness.

The activities foreseen by the project are the following:
·      Analysis 1 – national and/or regional situation about the training in the oenological field
·      Analysis 2 – didactical modalities (technical framework) on the contents of the proposed courses
·      Collection of good practices about the sensitization campaigns in the field of prevention
·      Organization of 5 workshops (one in each involved project country) about the following themes:
o    Italy -  history, culture and territory, from the producer to the tradition
o    Spain – testing techniques, how to feel, what to see
o    Austria – education and training, which modalities to allow the prevention
o    Germany – sensitization campaigns, comparisons among different proposals of the involved countries
o    Slovenia – good practices and guidelines, project proposals for the development of the new courses
·      Final handbook – guidelines. Good practices to be used to train and sensitize about the “Responsible Drinking”.

For more information please contact:
Cramars Società Cooperativa Sociale
Via della Cooperativa 11/N
33028 Tolmezzo (UD) - Italy
Tel. 0039 (0)433 41943 – fax 0039 (0)433 40814

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