Monday, October 17, 2011

Distribution of Tasks


The distribution of tasks has been negotiated between the partners according to their expertise, skills and experience. We are aware that the approved partnership may contain less partners and have therefore nominated replacement partners for the tasks.

For all coordination activities CRAMARS will be responsible. This will also include support of those partners who are new to the GRUNDTVIG Programme.

The partnership will arrange meetings and/or study visits to each country. These will be organised from the hosting partner that will arrange hotel, restaurants, give transport information and program together with the coordinator the contents of the agenda, organize visits to the production sites, disussions and exchange of experience with staff, participants and learners and organize and manage workshops in the thematic subjects .

The Project Blog will be developed with the possibility to post comments and discuss certain items. It will be updated on a regular basis and maintained at least for one more years after the end of the partnership.
Resp: Ada- und- Theodor for implementation, each partner for contributions

Each partner will make 2 thematic researches in his/her own country and provide analysis about the national situation and the social relevance of wine among the target groups, overview of initiatives in that field, gather good practices and respective offers from institutions involved in adult education.
Resp: Vedoma for analysis 1, Centros de Promocion for analysis 2, Fh Joanneum for good practices, contributions from each partner

The english version of the flyer will be the model for all other languages, it will be sent by mail to stakeholders.
Each partner will be responsible for his/her own language version
Resp for the english version: Cramars

The results of the analyses will be developed in a final booklet in English.
Resp: Cramars with contributions from each partner

Each partner is responsible for national dissemination activities, involvement of stakeholders and will include the info in the institution website.
Resp: Ada- und- Theodor, each partner

This report will cover the activities, achievement of objectives, satisfaction of staff and learners and impact of the project and will involve all team members.
Resp: Cramars, E-Learning Concepts with contributions from each partner

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