Sport - no alcohol. This is the rigorous equation that certain ascetics
of the sport, coaches or athletes, reduced to such terms of intransigence,
which reach far encompass the good wine in this prohibition.
Now well, recent work, carried out in Sports Dietetics, far from
commend exceptional arrangements that were fashionable in other times, shown
agree on the fact that the power of the athlete should be, pure and simply,
perfect food, i.e. healthy and balanced, of an ordinary man who perform
muscular efforts. Except for rare occasions, appetizers and the digestive must
evidently be excluded from the menus of the athlete and totally prohibited in
sport training periods. Condemn at the same time the good wine is an
unfortunate exaggeration.
More even than for the sedentary, the wine which Pasteur called
"the most healthy and hygienic of beverages is revealed as the ideal
beverage for the athlete.
The rest of the drinks have certain drawbacks. Fruit juices are
sometimes poorly tolerated, especially citrus fruits, very nice during the
meals, do not however make an ideal culinary Alliance with cooked dishes. Beer
gives heaviness and produces unpleasant phenomena of belching and flatulence.
Cider frequently causes gastric disorders and exerts irritant and laxative
action on the intestine. Too much coffee or tea produces inscimnio and
nervousness (and the athletes are already of if the anxiety-prone). Milk, often
poorly tolerated by adult, is a food, but not a drink. The habitual consumption
of sodium waters is strongly not recommend in Sports Dietetics. Are not
therefore more than weakly mineralized waters or running water from the tap,
with bad odor and taste of antiseptic... does this is not carried asceticism
too far?
More than any other man, the athlete whose extraordinary tests claim a
full form both physical and psychic, need wine, precious nutrient, stimulating
the functioning of all cells and whose good action is undeniable.
Wine, mightily helps digestion
of protein substances. However, nowadays, and especially in training periods or
when practiced sport requires large muscular efforts are recommended to the
athlete a regime very rich in proteins (meat, fish, eggs, cheese). By their
vitamins, wine fights muscular and nervous fatigue of the Sports Agency and
maintains its general tone.
By its mineral salts prevents the shortcomings that can have serious
consequences, since the smallest imbalance affects the sport
"shaped", been quite indefinable and capricious physical grace. Thus
the iron may be absent in certain circumstances; the increase in blood volume
and the ventilation necessary to irrigate a large muscle mass, made of e1 an
essential element for sports training. Similarly, the Elimination of toxins
from fatigue caused by intensive training requires sulfur. Iron and sulfur are
precisely in the wine. Finally, the tonic action and addictive of the wine
cannot be exercised more than
A beneficial influence on the morale of the athlete because different
factors (tense will toward exceptional testing, strict discipline, training
sometimes carried up the obsession) produced an exceptional and often fragile
and vulnerable psychological state in the athlete.
Under these conditions the athlete has the greater interest in the inclusion
of a reasonable amount of wine in their meals, both how much that is subjected
to a great muscular effort, his lung ventilation is then accelerated, allowing
you to more easily eliminate alcohol the sedentary making it.
On the other hand, sport specialists are far from banning the
reasonable consumption of wine. Thus, for example, Dr. Mathieu, medical
Olympic, declares: "For a normal subject, if the quantity of wine does not
exceed quarter a litre per meal (a half litre daily) alcohol is entirely burned
by the body and wine is an excellent and food drink": Boigey, whose works
on the cure for the exercise have created doctrine thinks that "natural
wine is the most commendable of volition drinks. It contains a wonderful
complex of well-balanced and useful substances that nothing can replace".
Doctor Encausse, medical inspector of the High Commissioner for youth
and sports, sets the limits of consumption in half of a liter for a healthy
adult of 65 kgs. weight. "Draws the conclusion, notable for his prudence,
that the medical profession should preach:" temperance, not abstinence!
sobriety, not asceticism! "."
However, within the limits
imposed by the personal taste and a certain flexibility in the interpretation,
all wines are not recommended to athletes by different authors. This is the
case of wines robust, rich in perfumes and lots of color.
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